Guides, Videos, Auxiliary materials

Changing locks is not rocket science. At the same time, it’s always good not to have to work it our yourself. We’ve put together a series of educational videos that will definitely help you! Learn more.

Security card
Valnes security locks generally use two types of keys: Valnes Security (including the Security+ magnetic key) and Valnes Kaba. Both keys require a security card, which ensures the accuracy and reliability of the key.
Valnes Security and Security+ keys are manufactured by locksmiths, whose details can be found here.
A Valnes Security key made without a security card may fail to open the door and may damage the lock due to inaccuracy. The Valnes Kaba key is ordered on the basis of a key card from Valnes AS. Kaba keys starting with the letter combination ‘EV’ or ‘EX’ will be ready by the next working day; keys starting with the code ‘UZ’ will be ready within 2–3 weeks.

Making keys
AS Valnes keys are only produced on the basis of a security card. Valnes Multi, Security and Security+ keys are made on-site while you wait. Kaba keys starting with the code ‘EV’ and ‘EX’ will be ready by the next working day; ‘UZ’ and special profile keys are ordered from the factory and will take 2–3 weeks.

Here you can find installation and maintenance instructions for a selection of Valnese products.